6 Things About Athens You HAVE To Know
You can’t have a Greek island sailing holiday without taking time to explore Athens – and what kind of monsters would we be if we didn’t give you a few insider tips to impress your mates with?

#1 Appreciate ancient Athens on your sailing trip
Athens is legit ancient. Its origins date back almost 3,500 years, making it one of the oldest cities in the world as well as Europe’s oldest capital. So, when everyone says Athens has an extraordinarily rich history and culture, they’re not lying!
#2 Democracy rules OK in Athens
Having been inhabited for thousands of years, Athens has seen a fair few governing systems, from monarchies to communism. But it’s most famous for democracy, which was established in approximately 500BC, making Athens the first known democracy in the world.
#3 Athens could have been fishy
Greek mythology says that Athena competed against Poseidon for the title of Guardian of the City. In order to win over the city’s people and the gods, each offered a gift. Poseidon offered salt water, but Athena’s pressie of an olive tree was considered much more valuable. Fair enough – Poseidon doesn’t exactly sound like a good gift-giver.
#4 The Acropolis has seen some things
From being bombed in 1687 by the Venetians to being used as munitions storage and as army barracks, this sacred temple has certainly seen some hardship during its lifetime.
#5 Theatre is EVERYTHING
Who doesn’t love a bit of drama, right?! The Greeks go gaga for it, with the tradition of theatre dating back to around 500BC. Thousands of years of theatre means that Athens is home to almost 150 stages – more than Broadway and the West End combined. Oh Athens, you’re just so extra, darling.
#6 Go all Indy on your Greek island sailing holiday
No, we don’t mean you’ll leave with a fear of snakes – but with millennia of different architectural styles to take in, you’ll return to your sailing trip with a pretty solid understanding of everything from Greco-Roman to Neoclassical design. Impressive AF.