How To Discover Your Inner Travel Adventurer
By MedSailors Crew published on 20 September 2017
Seneca once said, “travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind”, and while sometimes seeking out the new, rich experiences that travelling can present us with is easier said than done, we’ve all got an inner adventurer eager to see the world and discover new things about ourselves we didn’t fully understand before.

Adventure on Your Own Terms
There’s absolutely no reason why your travel adventure should look exactly like that of anybody else. Embarking on new activities or saying yes to something you thought you’d never be able to do is an intensely liberating experience, but if you ever really don’t want to do something, you don’t have to! Learning to trust yourself to make the right decisions for you is part of every travel experience, and it’s something that will be immensely useful throughout the rest of your life too.
Welcome New Things on Your Sailing Trip
Sometimes the very best things in life seem a little scary at first, but whether your way of welcoming new things is signing up for a snorkelling class in the Italian islands with a sailing pal you’ve just met, or trying some new foods with your bestie and some locals in Croatia, you’ll quickly realise the magic and joy there is in expanding your horizons and forming meaningful connections with people you may not otherwise have crossed paths with.
Push the Boundaries of Your Comfort Zone
We all have our safe zone and understanding your limits is actually very useful when it comes to making the decisions that will take you through life, on a path that feels right for you. There are, however, also benefits to breaking out of your comfort zone occasionally, whether that’s initiating a conversation with someone you’ve just met on your sailing trip, or taking a morning solo stroll to the closest bakery in a village you’ve just arrived in. Teaching you how to remain adaptable and open to unexpected things, pushing your boundaries will boost your confidence and remind you that you’ve totally got this!