How To Save For A Holiday Without Saying Goodbye To Your Social Life
By Alicia Sharp published on 23 April 2019
Adulting is NOT easy and although you might want to pour all your money into a series of epic holidays, you probably also have a bunch of other responsibilities that you can’t ignore.
But fear not, here are a few ways to save for your next sailing trip without shutting yourself away and missing out on quality time with your favourite people.
Start and Maintain a Money Diary
The first step to saving successfully is to keep a close eye on your finances. Small purchases can add up and you might discover that there are a few little day-to-day sacrifices you’re more than willing to make in return for a sunshine-soaked sailing adventure.
Channel Spare Funds Directly Into a Sailing Trip Savings Account
The best way to avoid making frivolous purchases you don’t really need is to set up a direct debit directly to your savings account. As soon as payday rolls around, transfer as much money as you can comfortably afford to a separate account that you don’t dip into. You’ll thank yourself later!

Ditch Meals Out For Dinners In
Inviting your pals round to your digs can be just as much, if not more, fun as heading out. You’ll save a lot of £££ in the process and to keep you extra motivated, remember that you’ll have plenty of amazing dining opportunities during your trip.
Don’t Do Anything You Don’t Want To Do
It’s totally normal to want to support your friends as you possibly can, but if there’s a social event you’re really not up for going to, don’t! Push aside any FOMO feelings and don’t commit to anything just because you feel obliged to.
Embrace Coupons and Discount Codes
Sure, making purchases might take a little longer when you’re looking for a coupon or discount code that might knock a good chunk off the cost, but it’s totally worth it. Also, signing up for some cashback services can boost your bank balance considerably in the long-term, especially if you’ve got a few big purchases on the horizon.
Get saving and you’ll be sailing through the beautiful Mediterranean in no time! Book your MedSailors holiday today.